I ruffled some feathers with a column I wrote a few months ago in support of people parking their camper vans on the seafront in Felixstowe and I think I’m likely to make matters even worse today.

I read this week that to all to intense and purposes the motor homes will be banned from parking up by the Fludyers hotel. What utter nonsense! As one Facebook comment said, “You might as well stick a sign on the A14 saying visitors not welcome”.

Don't get cross with campervans, says MarkDon't get cross with campervans, says Mark (Image: Newsquest)
Felixstowe is a seaside resort that relies on people coming to boost the local economy. This small local but vocal minority of residents seem to want it all for themselves. Well, it doesn’t work like that, the town has been a seaside destination since before all of them were even born.

It’s like someone moving to the countryside and complaining about agricultural smells and vehicles or moving next to a church but complaining about the bells ringing.

Yup, we’re talking about the not in my backyard fraternity or Nimbys.

Now it seems the town council has caved in to them and something that’s enjoyed by many who park there will be lost because of few Nimbys.

Mark Murphy has penned his latest opinion pieceMark Murphy has penned his latest opinion piece (Image: Charlotte Bond)

I bet if you polled Felixstowe residents, they wouldn’t have a problem with these vehicles parking there. In fact, on the local Facebook, that is the case.

Many residents are speaking out about this possible ban, calling it madness. These motor homes are doing no harm.

As long as they are taxed and insured, they can park wherever they like.

I live on the seafront in Felixstowe, but at the other end and we’re used to seeing vans and cars parked up. We accept that is part of living at the seaside.

I own a camper van and pretty soon it’s going to my daily ride, so if I want to go to the Fludyers for a meal, I can’t park outside because I drive a camper van. Utter nonsense.

Campers regularly park all along the seafront, and it’s no problem. Why is it just this part of the resort? Tourists bring much needed money into the town but it seems locals in that part of Felixstowe don’t want any near them.

I expect this vocal group will start having a go at me again, but this column is called Opinion and that’s certainly mine on this issue.

They’ll come up with the usual arguments of, it blocks my view, or I can’t park because they’re parked there. I expect the van owners feel the same way when, shock horror, cars park there too and the campers struggle to park.

I don’t see them trying to ban cars. It’s the seaside, it’s summer, what do you expect?

Perhaps I’ll nip down later in my VW camper, park up, make some tea and do a spot of fishing or sunbathing while I still can.

It’s not a done deal. Both Suffolk County Council Highways and East Suffolk Council have still got to agree and change things.

Let’s hope they look at the bigger picture and not just try and appease a few well heeled people who only want the seafront for themselves.