Suffolk Trading Standards has issued warnings to stay alert after thousands of pounds were taken after residents received a cold caller on their doorstep. 

Across the county, there have been reports of people approaching householders touting for business. 

In the last few weeks the authority has been made aware of four instances. 

In Kessingland, near Lowestoft, a rogue trader stayed for more than four hours until the resident agreed to have a conservatory installed and paid a 25% deposit but has not heard from representatives of the company since. 

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A consumer in Brandon was quoted £29,900 for a new roof that was required because of a leak. 

The resident paid £9,000 deposit by cheque and the trader asked for the remaining balance to be paid with the payee details left blank on the cheque.

The customer's bank became suspicious and froze the cheques. 

In Bury St Edmunds a resident has been without a phone and call alarm service for five weeks after a doorstep caller persuaded a resident to change their broadband provider after a two hour long sales pitch. 

The final incident saw an elderly resident in Hadleigh pay £7,600 to have foil insulation installed despite the property being a new-build bungalow. 

The resident's son later found only half the loft space had the insulation added and the old insulation was still in place and in perfect condition. 

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Suffolk Trading Standards has also received reports of cold callers in Barking, near Needham Market, and Lowestoft.

Graham Crisp, head of Suffolk Trading Standards, said: "All to often these doorstep traders target the vulnerable and are very persuasive, delivering poor work and all to often just disappearing, leaving their victims out of pocket. 

"We strongly advise householders and companies to use Trusted Trader, it is a scheme where consumers can be confident in the work that is being done and in the businesses carrying it out.

"No Cold Calling Zones make it clear that residents in that zone will not deal with any trader who knocks on their door out of the blue."