A new smokehouse takeaway serving beef brisket, smoked ribs, tacos and a variety of street food options will be opening in an industrial estate in a Suffolk town next month.

Brisket Bay will be opening its services at Exchange House, in Reydon's Fountain Way, in July as it looks to combine fresh local produce with "put-it-in-your-face American street food".

Head chef, Arron Digby, 44, will be opening up the smokehouse near Southwold after working at several Michelin-star restaurants across the UK and serving up a variety of fine dining cuisines.

The Suffolk entrepreneur said his departure from fine dining to takeaway is down to his "intrigue for dirty food".

He said: "People want to know they've eaten after having a meal and that's what they'll get with us. This isn't fancy fine dining small plates anymore, it's real food.

"However, we also want to take what we've learnt so far and use it! So we will be using ingredients that are as fresh and local as you can get.

"You'll get zingy vibrant flavours in our tacos and flavourful homemade barbecue sauce in our meat so the meal coats your mouth. Plus, we will not be stingy with portions."

He added: "We are really excited to get up and running and we can't wait to get to know people in the area."