A Saxmundham man who was involved in a road rage incident after pursuing a car driven by a company director who criticised his driving has been jailed for 15 months.

Scott Abbott had been driving his black Audi too fast in frosty and slushy road conditions in December last year when the 53-year-old victim had raised his hands in dismay when the Audi overshot a junction, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

The victim had continued on his journey and then noticed Abbott’s car behind him, said Ryan Evan's, prosecuting.

Abbott had overtaken him "very fast" before doing an emergency stop which caused the victim’s van to collide with him.

Abbott got of his car and approached the victim in an “angry and aggressive “ manner and told him: “This is going to cost you. What have you got for me?".

He had then pulled off the victim’s hat and his lanyard and took a picture of it before throwing a dummy punch at him which didn’t make contact.

“He was scared and feared he was going to be assaulted,” said Mr Evans.

The police attended the scene and Abbott was arrested 

In a statement the victim said he was normally a confident person but had been affected by the incident involving Abbott.

He said he had suffered disturbed sleep and anxiety and had had fitted CCTV cameras at his home.

Abbott, 35, of Mayflower Avenue, Saxmundham, admitted dangerous driving on Aldringham Road, Leiston, on December 1 last year and common assault on the same date.

In addition to being jailed Abbott was banned from driving for three years and 37 days.

Jennifer Morris for Abbott described the incident as “short lived”. 

She said Abbott accepted pulling in front of the victim and braking hard causing a collision.

She said Abbott, who has been in custody since December, had ongoing mental health issues.