Villagers, conservationists and wildlife experts are objecting to plans for a lorry park on farmland next to a national landscape site which they say would be “inappropriate, detrimental and dangerous”.

Opponents fear the development just off the A14 at Stratton Hall would urbanise the countryside and be another step towards the eventual joining up of Felixstowe and Ipswich.

Logistics firm Prologic Services Ltd, based in Orwell House in Ferry Lane, Felixstowe, has submitted plans for a 69-space lorry park, office and drivers’ building on a 2.8-acre site in Felixstowe Road near the Levington turn-off.

The 24/7 project would create 16 full-time jobs and four part-time.

The company withdrew a similar plan for an 82-space lorry park in 2020.

Although the current plan has been with East Suffolk Council for 11 months, no decision has been made and the council has now asked for an Environmental Impact Statement because it is concerned over a potential “significant cumulative effect” on the roads.

The previous plan anticipated 170 HGV movements per week – the current one says there will be one every three minutes at peak time.

Campaigners, who fear the lorry park will look “stark” in the countryside, say a planning inspector has already rejected plans for a haulage and distribution centre at nearby Kirton.

A new lorry park has also recently opened in Felixstowe.

Levington and Stratton Hall Parish Council said: “This parcel of land is not in the Local Plan for development. The parish council strongly objects to this application as being inappropriate, detrimental and dangerous in this location.

“If this planned development was to go ahead it would be adding to the joining of Felixstowe and Ipswich, which is contrary to East Suffolk Council planning policy. This area, along with its immediate neighbours, needs to be preserved to maintain the fragile remaining agricultural separate between urban sprawls of Ipswich and Felixstowe.”

Kirton and Falkenham Parish Council has objected because of concerns over growing traffic problems in the area and noise, light and air pollution.

The Felixstowe Society says it is an “inappropriate location for such a development due to the adverse impacts of the scheme on the character and appearance of the landscape, highways safety, rail safety and residential amenities”. It also fears lorries will use the single-track Trimley link road as there will be no direct A14 route to Felixstowe from the site.

Suffolk Wildlife Trust has issued a holding objection because nightingales use the land, and 30 residents have objected over a variety of issues.

Wilkinson Planning, on behalf of Prologic, said it is imperative that decision-makers make targeted efforts to overcome logistical challenges, facilitate opportunities and support supply chain services.

It said: “The application responds to an in demand commercial offering comprising of a bespoke lorry park which would serve the applicant, Prologic Services Ltd. The proposal would provide long-term security to a business which is currently in high demand, but without a permanent premises to operate from.

“Whilst Prologic Services Ltd don’t operate in isolation, the road hauliers industry is facing increasing demand never before seen. Accordingly, supply chain services which support the Port of Felixstowe are in extraordinary demand.”