Police are warning people living in Suffolk to remain vigilant after nearly £1million was lost to fraud. 

Data from Action Fraud revealed nationally more than £28.7m was lost to courier fraud in the last year with a total of £987,589 lost in Suffolk between April 2023 and March 2024.

The average loss per victim nationally was £20,032.

It also showed people in their 80s are most likely to be targeted by criminals, with the age range accounting for 43% of all victims.

In addition of reports made, 63 per cent of victims were female.

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Courier fraud happens when people are contacted by criminals pretending to be police officers, or bank officials, and are duped into handing over money, valuables such as jewellery and watches, or bank cards which are collected from their home addresses by couriers.

There are different tactics used by the criminals but it often involves them claiming that there is a problem with your account and need help to catch the "real criminals".

Detective sergeant Jamie Adams, of Suffolk police, said: "With this crime disproportionally affecting the elderly and the vulnerable, this is a particularly distressing time with heart-breaking consequences.

"If you know anyone that you feel might be susceptible to this, please help ensure they are aware of the dangers and consider measures such as call blocker.

"If you have any concerns or feel you or someone you know may have been targeted, please report it."

READ MORE: Nearly £40k lost by victims of ticket fraud in Suffolk

Detective sergeant Victoria O'Keefe, from City of London police, said: "This is a particularly nasty crime type often resulting in significant psychological harm and financial loss to victims, many of whom are living alone and suffering age-related illness."

To report such crimes, contact Suffolk police via: www.suffolk.police.uk/contact-us/report-something/report-crime or 101 or call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

If you’ve given your bank details over the phone or handed your card to a courier, call your bank straight away to cancel the card.