The carnival queen and her attendants have been announced to lead this year's special 80th anniversary Suffolk celebration.

Minnie Malumba, 18, will be queen of this year's Aldeburgh Carnival, which takes place from Saturday, August 17, to Monday, August 19, and will be joined by attendants Emily Cable and Bella Koszykowski.

In celebration of its 80th birthday it has been announced this year's theme is 'All Things 80s'. 

READ MORE: Aldeburgh Carnival announces 80s theme for 2024 event

Minnie said: “I am 18 and currently a year 13 student with hopes of studying medicine at Bart’s and the London Medical School in September.

"I am studying biology, chemistry and religious studies at A Level.

"I enjoy baking and cooking as well as going for dog walks with my family around Aldeburgh.

"I have a part-time job at Ives Ice Cream Parlour where I have worked since I was 15. Lemon curd is my favourite flavour.

"I am very excited about being chosen as this year’s carnival queen."

READ MORE: Aldeburgh news