A Suffolk man accused of attempted murder has said he tried to stop one of his co-defendants driving over the 53-year-old victim.

Daniel Hermon told a jury he was a front seat passenger in a car driven by 20-year-old Nathan Baker and had leaned over and pushed the steering wheel because he thought he was going to run over 53-year-old Julian Johnson.

Giving evidence during his trial at Ipswich Crown Court 26-year-old Hermon claimed that when he pushed the steering wheel Baker had told him to “get off”.

“I knew Mr Johnson was lying on the floor but I couldn’t see him. I assumed he (Baker) was going to hit him.”

He said he felt a collision as Baker drove forwards.

Asked by his barrister Claire Matthews how he felt after the collision he replied: “I’ve got no words for it. I knew what had happened.”

He said he hadn’t done anything to encourage Baker to drive over Mr Johnson.

Asked by Miss Matthews if he’d wanted Baker to do it he replied: “No” and asked if Baker had driven over Mr Johnson deliberately or accidentally, he replied: “deliberately”.

Hermon, of Market Place, Southwold, Baker of Quay Street, Halesworth and Lewis Aldridge, 27, of Market Place, Southwold have denied attempting to murder Mr Johnson and causing him grievous bodily harm.

During his evidence, Hermon denied pulling Mr Johnson to the ground and kicking him before he was run over and claimed he saw Baker kick him three or four times.

He admitted having a knife in his pocket but denied threatening Mr Johnson with it.

It has been alleged that Mr Johnson, who was found with serious injuries, including fractures to his ribs, pelvis, and vertebrae, in London Road, Beccles at about 3am on November 18 last year, was deliberately run over in a revenge attack following a brawl outside a pub.

Giving evidence Baker said they had all assaulted Mr Johnson while he was on the ground and that as he was driving off Hermon had grabbed the wheel and steered the car over Mr Johnson.

The trial continues.