Police are cracking down on youngsters illegally riding off-road motorbikes in Haverhill amid fears someone is going to be hurt.

Police Constable Jack Oakley said motorbikes were being ridden recklessly through the Clements Estate and the wider town while Suffolk County councillor Joe Mason warned “residents have a real fear someone is going to get hurt”.

PC Oakley said: “They ride through the tight alleyways and there was an incident recently where a group of bikers wouldn’t wait for someone crossing the road and instead went onto the pavement and across the Market Square and came into close contact with a little girl.”

But the police have been taking action to tackle the issue.

PC Oakley added: “In the last couple of months we’ve seized three bikes.

“One was seized for having no insurance. Another was seized for no insurance or documents and the rider was under the influence and the third was for riding off-road and the rider was also found with a large quantity of drugs on him.”

Part of the problem is that when police arrive after reports of reckless riding the bikers have already gone but PC Oakley has been working to solve this difficulty.

“Every address that has off-road bikes, we’ve visited, inspected them and taken pictures of the bikes and helmets.

“So when people report a bike, or we look at CCTV or ring doorbell footage we now have a catalogue to look through and see whose bike it is.”

He added: “I’m also contacting schools to tell parents if your children are riding like this there are offences to be considered and we are worried they could hurt themselves.”

Councillor Mason also wanted to send a message out: “This antisocial behaviour is not acceptable, and I would urge people to report anyone who is breaking the law and causing a social disturbance. There is a danger that someone is going to get hurt. Not just the motorcyclists.”