An A14 roundabout on the outskirts of Ipswich has been branded "Jumanji Junction" to reflect the overgrown nature of the foliage, which drivers have said is dangerous.

The Seven Hills Interchange, a busy roundabout due to having exits leading to Felixstowe, Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds and Martlesham, has become a concern with motorists as the tall nature of the grass and foliage is obstructing the view for those joining the junction.

A number of drivers have shared their concerns regarding the junction.

Ally Riley, from Martlesham, said: "If the high grass on the approach from Woodbridge could be cut back for just a few feet, cars and motorbikes coming from the right could be seen clearly again.

East Anglian Daily Times: Ally Riley with her dog MillieAlly Riley with her dog Millie (Image: Submitted)

"I am not very tall, so I find it difficult to see over the grass while driving."

Suffolk Highways, which looks after the maintenance of overgrown grass and foliage across the county, said: "The routine grass cutting at the Seven Hills roundabout, including the A12 is due to start week commencing 27 May.

"The work will take place overnight and will involve cutting back 1.2 metres of vegetation at each junction. 

"This is a standard width to ensure visibility splays are clear for approaching vehicles."

Mick Gill, also from Martlesham, echoed the concerns, stating: "Not only is it dangerous, it also appears to be the cause of traffic slow-down at the junction.

"The jam is causing further potential hazards, as well as lane jumping by impatient drivers when turning towards Bury St Edmunds on the A14."

East Anglian Daily Times: The overgrown grass at the Seven Hills RoundaboutThe overgrown grass at the Seven Hills Roundabout (Image: Charlotte Bond)

One person, who submitted their concerns, along with eight others, to the council via FixMyStreet, jokingly referred to the roundabout as "Jumanji Junction".

They added: "The entrance to this roundabout now boasts a jungle-themed driving experience complete with towering blades of grass that rival a giraffe's lunch.

"While this may be great for wildlife, it's causing major delays as motorists play a thrilling game of 'is there another car coming?'

"Accidents are a real possibility."

East Anglian Daily Times: Shaun McCormickShaun McCormick (Image: Submitted)

Motorcyclist Shaun McCormick has almost seen an accident first-hand, not just at Seven Hills but others in the county, stating three cars pulled out in front of him in on one occasion.

He said: "Most roundabouts on A14 junctions are bad.

"The drivers hold their hands up to you to apologise for pulling out in front of you, but it doesn't make your heart stop racing.

East Anglian Daily Times: The Seven Hills RoundaboutThe Seven Hills Roundabout (Image: Charlotte Bond)

"We no longer need an MOT to make sure our vehicles are fit for the road, the roads need MOTs to be fit for our vehicles."

Richard Palmer, who also commutes on a motorcycle, added: "I have had issues a couple of times, this year and last.

"Last year we were told it was for the good of the planet, this year it is due to bad weather."

East Anglian Daily Times: Stephen NewmanStephen Newman (Image: Submitted)

Stephen Newman added: "It is so badly overgrown that cars are having to stop and gradually pull forward slowly so they can see the traffic, which is causing holdups.

"For cars, it is impossible to see over or through the grass."

Rodney Cook, one of those that reported the issue to Suffolk County Council, said: "I was driving from Woodbridge direction to Ipswich last Saturday and as I approached the roundabout, the grass on my right was so long I could only just see that the road was clear to enter the roundabout.

East Anglian Daily Times: People have said they have had trouble seeing over or through the grassPeople have said they have had trouble seeing over or through the grass (Image: Charlotte Bond)

"Fortunately my car is higher than some, but I realise how dangerous it is for some lower cars.

"As soon as I arrived home I went onto the Highways reporting tool and found that lots of people had already reported it.

"The grass should never have been allowed to get as high - it's an accident waiting to happen."

East Anglian Daily Times: The roundaboutThe roundabout (Image: Charlotte Bond)