A court heard that a family is concerned after a 70-year-old east Suffolk woman died from sepsis.

On Friday, the inquest of Carole Anne Osbon from Lowestoft was opened at Suffolk Coroners’ Court in Ipswich.

The court heard that Ms Osbon had become unwell with sepsis, secondary to her chronic leg ulcers.

Ms Osbon was admitted to the James Paget University Hospital in Gorleston, near Great Yarmouth, on September 17 last year.

However, her condition continued to deteriorate until she died on September 21.

The court heard that Ms Osbon’s family have had concerns about the fact that she had not been seen by a district nurse for a while before her death, due to the presence of fleas in her home.

These visits from district nurses were due to resume the week following Ms Osbon’s death.

A full inquest into her death is expected to commence at Suffolk Coroners' Court on June 28.