Campaigners have spoken of their "extreme disappointment" that the Supreme Court has rejected an appeal hearing over the Sizewell C nuclear power station project. 

Action group Together Against Sizewell C (TASC) had sought an appeal over the government's decision to give the go ahead for the dual reactor on the basis that the full environmental impact of getting a mains water supply to the site had not been assessed.

However, on Monday, the Supreme Court - the highest court of appeal in the UK - refused permission for the appeal, which followed a previous refusal by the Court of Appeal in December.

East Anglian Daily Times: Sizewell C is planned for the Suffolk coastSizewell C is planned for the Suffolk coast (Image: EDF)

The rejections was made on the basis that the claims did not make an arguable point of law.

READ MORE: Nuclear licence for Suffolk's Sizewell C power station

Last week, this newspaper reported how the project had taken a big step forward after being awarded a Nuclear Site Licence by the government.

Reflecting on the latest setback, a TASC spokesperson said: "TASC are extremely disappointed that our application for an appeal hearing at the Supreme Court has been denied.

"However, the fact remains the same – Sizewell C, which is situated in the driest drought-prone region of the country, still has no guaranteed sustainable mains water supply essential for its slated 60 years of operation and the full environmental impacts of getting mains water to the site, are yet to be assessed.

READ MORE: Campaigners lose appeal for Sizewell C judicial review

"Although it may have been deemed lawful to build a nuclear power station without a mains water supply and whose sister project, Hinkley Point C, is now expected to cost £46billion, one must not only question the UK’s planning system but also this government’s logic to have already ploughed £2.5billion of taxpayer funds into a project as risky as Sizewell C."

However, Sizewell C's managing director Julia Pyke said: “We are delighted that the claims have been comprehensively rejected in the courts and that this long-running legal action is now at an end.

East Anglian Daily Times: Sizewell C managing director Julia PykeSizewell C managing director Julia Pyke (Image: EDF)

“We know the majority of East Suffolk residents support our project and are looking forward to the jobs and development opportunities it will bring. We will continue to listen closely to local communities and we are as determined as ever to ensure that Sizewell C delivers for them.”