Earlier this year Caitlin Smith, seventeen, has raised money for cancer research UK by running for two miles every single day of March.

Caitlin managed to raise an incredible £490 which will go towards the charity and funds how they treat, manage and diagnose cancer.

By running over 62 miles (which is over twice the distance of a marathon!). Caitlin smashed her original fundraising goals which was to raise £150 for the Charity Cancer Research UK

Caitlin chose running as she “really enjoys it”, and “It felt good”. She further shared that it also helped her mental health improve as the routine helped.

Caitlin continued “It helped me feel like I was doing something worthwhile and I actually enjoyed the whole process"

For Caitlin, finishing the month having raised so much money was a huge achievement, as she initially did not believe she could succeed, and beating her fundraising goal by over three times has meant the world to her.

Caitlin said, “I am so proud of the  money I raised, I choose Cancer Research UK as it’s a charity close to my heart and I feel great pride in myself.”

In the future, Caitlin hopes to continue running and fundraising.

“Perhaps,” she stated, “I might even run the London Marathon for Cancer Research one day! Although I’ll have to wait until I’m 18!”