An aerial gymnastics group in Suffolk has applied for a permanent location and is preparing to perform in front of hundreds over the coming weeks.

Aerial Suffolk Silks Squad, part of Fit Fusion located in Ipswich, is getting ready to entertain people from across Suffolk as they prepare for shows for the Christmas period.

The group is made up of people who perform gymnastic pieces using a variety of items suspended in the air including silk, rings and trapeze.

East Anglian Daily Times: The group perform suspended in the air using silk, trapeze and rings.The group perform suspended in the air using silk, trapeze and rings. (Image: Tom Cann)

East Anglian Daily Times: The group has members aged between eight and 64The group has members aged between eight and 64 (Image: Tom Cann)

The group ranges from age eight to 64, with members winning competitions in the UK and internationally.

They recently went to Exeter to in a national competition, winning one of the categories, coming out on top at the UK Championships and finished strong at the American Online Championships.

Fit Fusion also went viral during Covid for its online sessions.

The group, run by Chantelle and Vic Eley, is helping with people's mental and physical health and offers an opportunity for people of all ages to try their hand at something they wouldn't get to do anywhere else.

Chantelle said: "We can get people who have never danced or been gymnasts before because it helps with their stamina, core strength and flexibility.

East Anglian Daily Times: The group has applied for a permanent homeThe group has applied for a permanent home (Image: Tom Cann)

"Hanging upside down also helps with the therapy of your brain because it releases a happy hormone to your brain, helping with mental health and it also creates traction in your spine so can give people with chronic back pain release."

Vic added: "For a lot of people here, it is an escape.

"They come and bond and encourage them to do something that they never thought was possible."

East Anglian Daily Times: The group has applied for a permanent homeThe group has applied for a permanent home (Image: Tom Cann)

East Anglian Daily Times: The group uses a variety of equipmentThe group uses a variety of equipment (Image: Tom Cann)

Claire Chapman, 60, is one of the members of the group.

She said: "When I'm in the silk, it gives me a sense of freedom, and you have to concentrate so it stops you from thinking about worries.

"We support each other through everything, and it makes me work harder as there are younger and fitter people in the group."

The group has applied for a permanent home due to having to hire school's sports halls.

East Anglian Daily Times: The group helps members with mental and physical healthThe group helps members with mental and physical health (Image: Tom Cann)

Chantelle added: "Having a dedicated space would help us be more efficient with setting up for the activities, but also help us run dedicated courses for beginners, more advanced and disabled people.

"We have to spend a lot for equipment, uniforms, travel to competitions and it's difficult to get funding without a dedicated space."

This is just one of the unique activities that Fit Fusion offer, with others being bungee, which gives people the feeling of flying, Fight Klub, which is a boxing exercise, with the atmosphere of a nightclub, Yoga Trapeze, which is similar to that of Silks Squad, but more for therapy and the Hula group.

All of these are set in different locations on different days throughout the week, but with a permanent home, would enable them to be more efficient with setting up, and would be able to have everything under one roof.

East Anglian Daily Times: The group helps members with mental and physical healthThe group helps members with mental and physical health (Image: Tom Cann)

The group is performing a show on Sunday at Kesgrave High School sports hall with special guests in aid of St Elizabeth Hospices, and have dates throughout Christmas at Trinity Park.