A veteran said he feels "let down" by the police after an investigation into a serious assault which saw him hospitalised for two months has been dropped. 

Andy Cox was left with multiple serious injuries including a fractured eye socket after an alleged assault in the car park at Cornard United Football Club on March 14. 

Mr Cox said as he suffers from post traumatic stress disorder and anxiety he likes to spend an evening walking around the village. 

On the night of March 14 he walked to the Country Park in Blackhouse Lane when he heard a commotion coming from the football club car park. 


The 60-year-old walked to the football club where he said he saw multiple cars doing donuts. 

After asking them to leave, Mr Cox said two of the men became verbally abusive but left after about 10 minutes. 

He said about 15 minutes after they left a large group returned. 

East Anglian Daily Times: The veteran was left with serious facial injuriesThe veteran was left with serious facial injuries (Image: Andy Cox)

"They formed a half circle around me," Mr Cox said. 

"I then got punched from the right hand-side so when I turned to defend myself I then got punched from the left hand-side. 

"I then felt a large heavy blow to my face which was a kick. 

"In between all this all I could hear was females shouting 'go on get him'". 

Officers arrested three people in connection with the attack but they have since been released. 

Suffolk police has since apologised to Mr Cox for closing the investigation.

A letter sent to Mr Cox from Suffolk Constabulary reads: "We understand the impact that crime can have and we want to reassure you that the information that you have provided to us is important.

East Anglian Daily Times: Andy spent two months in hospital after the alleged assaultAndy spent two months in hospital after the alleged assault (Image: Andy Cox)

"It can help us build up intelligence that has a positive impact on detecting and preventing crime. 

"It affects how we deploy our police officers and informs local policing. 

"As a result of the information you have provided with and having reviewed the circumstances of this crime there are no further enquiries we can make and this investigation has been closed. 

"If any new evidence becomes available about you crime this decision may be reconsidered."

East Anglian Daily Times: Andy Cox was seriously injured during the alleged assaultAndy Cox was seriously injured during the alleged assault (Image: Andy Cox)

The following morning a large police cordon was put in place with forensic officers spotted at the scene of the alleged incident

Mr Cox said he was knocked unconscious during the alleged attack and when he woke up there was a large pool of blood next to him. 

He was able to walk to a friends house in Canhams Road when he collapsed and the emergency services were called. 

Mr Cox says he now suffers from panic attacks and night terrors as a result of the incident.

The 60-year-old found out that his case had been dropped after a letter from the police was delivered to his house. 

East Anglian Daily Times: Police cordon in place in a car park in Great CornardPolice cordon in place in a car park in Great Cornard (Image: Newsquest)

He said he was "distraught" when he found out the investigation had been closed. 

"I went into a very deep dark pit," he said.

"I have had no support whatsoever since the assault. I was in hospital for two months and then when I was out I felt like I was on my own. 

"I just want to get some closure now.

"I won't be intervening with anything anymore. If I see anything untoward I will just walk away and ignore it."

Mr Cox said his quality of life has dropped massively since the assault.