Suffolk's favourite newcomer has celebrated her birthday in style at her home in Wherstead near Ipswich. 

Ewa (pronounced Eva) the polar bear turned 18 on Sunday, November 26, and was treated to presents and a delicious meal by the team at Jimmy's Farm and Wildlife Park.

Footage captured of Ewa during the day by Alex Michie shows her grabbing a carcass from a kayak on the lake and ripping open a brightly wrapped gift.

This was Ewa's first birthday in Suffolk after her epic journey from Orsa Predator Park in Sweden.

East Anglian Daily Times: Ewa seemed to enjoy tearing open her presentsEwa seemed to enjoy tearing open her presents (Image: Alex Layzell)

East Anglian Daily Times: Ewa enjoyed a birthday meal as wellEwa enjoyed a birthday meal as well (Image: Alex Layzell)

Jimmy Doherty, owner of the popular Suffolk wildlife park, rescued her from the park after her future became uncertain when the site announced its closure. 

Had the team not stepped in, Ewa, along with many other of the remaining animals, would have been put to sleep. 

After a year of careful planning, Ewa was transported across Europe to the UK and even had a trip through the Eurotunnel to reach her new home.

Photos regularly posted on the Jimmy's Farm social media show Ewa settling in well and playing with her surroundings. 

In her area, Ewa has six acres of woodland, with grasses and wildflowers, a saltwater bath, along with two lakes – one eight metres deep and the other around 14 metres deep – allowing her to regulate her temperature and keep cool.

East Anglian Daily Times: Ewa eyed up her present from across her enclosureEwa eyed up her present from across her enclosure (Image: Alex Layzell)

East Anglian Daily Times: The team at the park filled the present with vegetables and fishThe team at the park filled the present with vegetables and fish (Image: Alex Layzell)

The new Tundra reserve will welcome a host of new animals alongside Ewa including the largest pack of 13 Arctic wolves in the UK, which have been rehomed from Cumbria Wildlife Park, the resident herd of reindeer and Arctic foxes. 

Earlier this month, the farm reached its target to save Diego the brown bear, who is now living in Dorset's Wildwood Trust while he hibernates for the winter.

He was one of just two remaining animals left at Orsa Predator Park in Sweden, and would have been put to sleep within weeks had he not been saved.