A pubs and brewery boss has welcomed a duties freeze in chancellor Jeremy Hunt's Autumn Statement - but warned that times are still very tough for the hospitality sector.

Andy Wood - chief executive of Southwold-based Adnams - praised a decision to freeze all alcohol duty until August and to extend business rate relief for the hard-hit retail, hospitality and leisure businesses.

“The hospitality industry continues to fight hard to survive and thrive in the wake of the pandemic and the cost of living crisis, but the potential for beer and spirit duties to rise in today’s Statement was deeply concerning," he said.

“Sadly, these are still deeply worrying times for many, and as a business, we are working every single day on being in contact with our managers and tenants, understanding their circumstances, and seeing how else we can assist and support.”

Pubs were central to communities in East Anglia,, he said, and are under huge pressures because of rising costs.

“We have been living in constant fear of actions which might only serve to force more pub closures, in the event of increasing costs for our venues, and at the same time, pressure on the purses of our customers," he said.

The chancellor announced he was extending a 75% business rate discount for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses for a further year, which he said would save the average independent pub more than £12,800 next year.

“It is of course a welcome move that the 75% rate is being extended, particularly given the pressures that the sector is facing due to inflation," said Mr Wood.

“The impact is being felt by those running venues, but equally by those who might otherwise want to access our hospitality services."