A Suffolk care group providing support for more than 100 people in their own homes has been rated as outstanding by health inspectors.

Haverhill Community Care received glowing praise from the Care Quality Commission following an inspection in August. 

Outstanding leadership and staff going above and beyond their job role was noted by the inspectors.

Haverhill Community Care is a domiciliary care service, run by Haverhill Community Care Limited, providing care to 105 people in their own home.  

Across the five categories, caring and well-led were rated outstanding, while safe, effective and responsive care received a good rating.

The report said the service is safe as people in the home care genuinely receive the care they need, no matter the circumstance.

Relatives reflected this in the feedback they gave to inspectors, saying their loved ones never felt rushed through their care calls and staff stayed even if the call ran over.  

Hazel Roberts, CQC deputy director of operations in east of England, said:   “We are extremely pleased to find such a well-led service at Haverhill Community Care. We found exceptional leadership, which we found reflected in all the areas we looked at. 

“The outstanding leadership that we found, translated into outstanding experiences for the people who were using this service. People told us Haverhill Community Care had an inclusive culture, where their individual needs were considered in their care plans. They also told us the clear communication they had from the service was good for their well-being.   

“We also saw staff who were very caring, going above and beyond to make sure people were not just receiving good care, but making genuine connections with the people using the service. One person told us that staff bought them flowers on their birthday.  

“Relatives of people using the service also had very positive things to say. They told us they felt Haverhill Community Care has their loved one’s best interests at heart, and promoted their dignity and privacy.  

“All the staff at Haverhill Community Care should be very proud of this report. We would encourage other providers to read this report and see what they can learn.”