A 19-year-old self-employed hair stylist has been shortlisted to represent her town at the Official Hair and Beauty Awards, calling her nominations a "pinch-me moment".

Immy Vaughan of Vaughan's Hair in Felixstowe has been shortlisted in the Best for Blonde and Best New Talent categories in the Hair and Beauty Awards 2024.

Self employed since June and now based at Tec-Nyqs hair salon on High Road East, Miss Vaughan specialises in blonde hair, allowing people to achieve their dream look.

Miss Vaughan said: "It's a pinch-me moment to even be recognised. It wasn't just sending in photos of my work, it was a back story about your work, your business, your dream, and where you see yourself in five years' time.

"It's a massive achievement just to get picked out of all the people who applied in the UK.

"Ever since I was a little girl, I have told my mum I wanted to be a hairdresser and follow in her footsteps.

"When I turned 14, I started it as a Saturday girl and absolutely loved it, and meeting and greeting clients was my favourite thing to do and watching the stylists do their job was so satisfying. I always said to myself that that will be me one day, fulfilling my dream.

East Anglian Daily Times:

"I went out and got myself an apprenticeship as a teenager at a hair salon and started to learn about hair alongside my apprenticeship.

"I absolutely loved it, having models in every week and learning about the theory side of hair.

"Two years down the line, with blood, sweat and tears, I achieved my dream and passed my qualification in 2022. It was the best feeling in the world."

East Anglian Daily Times:

Miss Vaughan added: "At the start of this year I said to myself I would love to work for myself and start my own business. I have started from the bottom and worked my way up to now.

"I have always had a passion for blondes. It's the best feeling in the world allowing people to achieve their dream hair."

The awards ceremony will be held in Birmingham in June 2024.