A Debenham farmer flew the flag for agriculture at the Lord Mayor's Show in London on November 11.

Tom McVeigh joined the historic parade as a Student and Young Farm Ambassador with the National Farmers’ Union (NFU).

Tom - who farms at Kenton Hall - joined a group of farming ambassadors highlighting the role British farmers and growers play in feeding the nation and caring for the environment.

“It was a fantastic experience and such a wide range of people were there," said Tom, who runs a mixed arable and livestock farm, including poultry and cattle.

“There was a lot of buzz in the parade and I’m always happy to do my bit to promote the value of farming to people living in a city.

“It is where people are usually most disconnected from farming and it’s important to really highlight the value in backing British farming to people living in these areas.”

East Anglian Daily Times:

Master of the Worshipful Company of Farmers Guy Brogden said: “The Worshipful Company of Farmers is once again delighted to support the Lord Mayors Show and bring together representatives from the agricultural world, especially all the volunteers, ambassadors, and supporters from Surrey Docks Farm, NFU and Red Tractor.”

NFU president Minette Batters said she was "thrilled" to attend.

“Despite the challenges faced this year, farmers and growers are still doing what we do best – producing great tasting homegrown food alongside the vital role in protecting and caring for the environment," she said.  

"We appreciate and value the public’s support and on Saturday we said massive thank you to everyone for continuing to back British farming.”

The Lord Mayor’s Show dates back to the 13th century. The three-mile long procession includes 7,000 people, 250 horses, armed forces, charity and community groups, military bands and 133 floats.