A 21-year-old Sudbury man who swung a machete at a man causing wounds to his wrist and back has been jailed for a total of 21 months.

Luke Eggleston had become aggressive while the victim of the attack and his girlfriend were visiting him and his girlfriend at their flat, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

Eggleston said he had “something round the corner” for the victim and had then walked towards him pulling a machete out of his jacket, said Eleanor Sheerin, prosecuting.

He pointed the machete at the victim as he continued walking towards him and had then taken two swings at him with the machete from behind his head.

The victim went home and realised he had superficial wounds to his wrist and back which didn’t require hospital treatment.

Nicholas Bleaney, for Eggleston, said his client accepted his behaviour was unacceptable.

He said Eggleston claimed he had been trying to scare the victim and said he had only caused superficial injuries with the machete which could cause much more serious injuries.

Eggleston, of Roman Lane, Sudbury, admitted two offences of unlawful wounding and having an article with a blade or point on August 20 this year.

He also admitted breaching a suspended prison sentence order.