A council has agreed to form a task force to tidy up East Suffolk after the state of parts of the district was called "unacceptable".

A full meeting of East Suffolk Council has approved a motion by Peter Byatt, leader of the Labour group at the council and who represents Lowestoft's Kirkley and Pakefield Wards.

Mr Byatt said residents, especially in Lowestoft, are fed up of "untidiness" and the "shabby" look of communities, from weeds to potholes and fly-tipping to dog-fouling.

East Anglian Daily Times: East Suffolk councillor Peter Byatt Picture: Maxine ClarkeEast Suffolk councillor Peter Byatt Picture: Maxine Clarke (Image: MAXINE CLARKE)

Mr Byatt's motion said: "This council recognises that there has been concern for some time about the generally shabby state of some parts of East Suffolk.

"This is the culmination of factors that includes frequent fly-tipping (on public and private land); littering in public spaces (streets and parks); dog-fouling; weeds growing out of every possible crevice; overgrown shrubbery; potholes of every size and shape; dirty, unreadable road signs and gull excrement etc.

READ MORE: Council's fly-tipping pledge

"Together, these have created a general feeling of untidiness and a lack of care in a significant number of areas in the district.

"This is unacceptable as East Suffolk should be clean and inviting for all."

Mr Byatt's motion did welcome the recent formation of East Suffolk Services Ltd with its new strategic waste and contract management team to carry out services on behalf of the district council.

READ MORE: New company formed to collect bins

However he proposed that all three tiers of local government and other interested parties get together and deal urgently and collectively with the unacceptable situation.

The motion added: "Improvement in our surroundings cannot be achieved by East Suffolk Council alone.

"This has to involve those other bodies and requires closer, more formal partnership working with them."

The full council approved the motion and agreed to form a cross-party working group to take long-term decisions to help tackle the problem.