Plans to install a solar farm in a village just outside Ipswich have been approved. 

The proposed EDF Renewables solar farm is set to be located on 84 hectares of agricultural land off Tye Lane in Bramford. 

The applicant was granted temporary 35-year permission. 

The development will comprise rows of solar panels to a maximum height of 2.4 metres, inverter and transformer units, an underground connection cable from the site to the National Grid substation at Bullen Lane, and new vehicular access. 

The councillors issued a variety of biodiversity conditions that need to be met by the applicant before launching the site. 

This includes the review of the location of the panels with regards to Rutters Cottage, Quiet Lane and footpath, Copenhagen Cottage, and Tye View Cottage, including enhanced landscaping and permissive path provision, in consultation with the parish council and neighbouring residents. 

Six Mid Suffolk councillors were in favour of the project, and one was against it.

Bramford residents issued objections in regards to the plans, which cover the loss of productive agricultural land, traffic problems on local roads, possible loss of jobs and setting a precedent for future development of the land.