A violent 34-year-old Suffolk man who sexually assaulted a woman has been jailed for seven years.

John Morton, of Chedburgh Place, Haverhill, had denied offences of assault causing actual bodily harm and sexual assault but was found guilty after a trial.

East Anglian Daily Times: John Morton has been jailed for seven years. John Morton has been jailed for seven years. (Image: Suffolk Constabulary)

In addition to jailing Morton, Judge Martyn Levett banned him from contacting the victim directly or indirectly indefinitely and ordered him to sign the sex offenders’ register indefinitely.

Christopher Kerr, prosecuting, said Morton had broken the woman’s wrist, given her a black eye and pushed her over causing an injury to her knee.

He said Morton had previous convictions for offences of violence against women which was an aggravating feature of the case.

In an impact statement, the victim said she had been left traumatised by the offences and was terrified of bumping into Morton in the future.

Isobel Ascherson for Morton accepted the offences were “unpleasant”.