A bungalow described as "tired and inefficient" and neighbouring land could be transformed into two new family homes if new plans are given the go-ahead. 

Planning permission is sought from West Suffolk Council on the site of Orchard End, a bungalow in East Barton Road, Great Barton, for one of the two homes with the other planned for the adjacent Chestnuts site, which was previously approved for a new dwelling.

In a statement to West Suffolk Council, Orchard End bungalow, which was built in the 1960s and is located opposite the village bowls club, was described as "tired and inefficient". 

Proposals would see the home demolished and a two storey, four-bed house for family living built on the plot. Another four-bedroom home would be built on the Chestnuts site. 

Both homes would be two-storey and plans state they would be in keeping with the street, which has a mixture of two-storey and bungalow properties.

The Orchard End home would be made up of plinth and chimney brickwork with timber details over the doors, a red roof with a mix of dark clay plain tiles and a porch. 

The Chestnuts home is proposed to be made up of red bricks with plinth with red brick details over the doors and the same style roof as its neighbour. 

Both homes would have a garden and a garage as well as a lounge, kitchen, ground floor bathroom, upstairs family bathroom, and a room that could be used as a study. 

The access road would also be extended to serve the Chestnuts plot. 

A statement submitted to West Suffolk Council read: "This proposal has been developed over the last 12 months and in consultation with the immediate neighbours on each side of the site (Arcadia and Hardwick) and numerous and sometimes substantial changes have been incorporated as a result of discussions and suggestions received. 

"Significant effort has been made to respect the layouts and amenity of directly adjacent buildings."