A neon light sign company has slammed the 'horrible' effect Facebook scams have on their East Anglia-based business.

The East Anglian Daily Times recently reported on a new scam plaguing Suffolk Facebook groups.

The fraudulent post sees a user claiming they have recently taken classes to learn how to make neon signs and offers discounted products to build their portfolio.

When money exchanges hands, however, the post vanishes as quickly as the money disappears from the victim's account.

Hadleigh-based teen Ellie Gregg, 18, said the post seemed "very real" and unfortunately lost £45 to the scam.

East Anglian Daily Times: Hadleigh-based teen Ellie Gregg, 18, said the post seemed very real.Hadleigh-based teen Ellie Gregg, 18, said the post seemed very real. (Image: Ellie Gregg)

However, neon light sign company Lightz 'n' Bitz stepped in to save the day, offering Miss Gregg a free sign.

"I saw the article and spoke to my partner about these horrible scam pages," said 31-year-old Emily Jessup.

"We're going to get a little sign made up for Ellie to cheer her up."

The family-run business is based in Norfolk, but delivers across East Anglia and also has a customer base in Ipswich.

East Anglian Daily Times: Emily Jessup, 31 and Chris Hart, 32, run East Anglia business Lightz 'n' Bitz.Emily Jessup, 31 and Chris Hart, 32, run East Anglia business Lightz 'n' Bitz. (Image: Lightz 'n' Bitz)

Miss Jessup said the scams are "frustrating," adding: "We put our heart and soul into this business and we're really passionate about what we do.

"These horrible people are putting customers off getting a neon sign, because they don't know who to trust any more."

READ MORE: Suffolk Facebook groups plagued by injured/lost dog scams

As well as kindly offering a free sign to Miss Gregg, Miss Jessup had some top tips to share for those wary of ordering online.

"If it looks too good to be true, it usually is," she added.

"It's a shame, but you do have to have your wits about you now.

"Reviews are key, as is making sure there's a human at the end of this transaction.

"I just want people to know that you shouldn't tar us all with the same brush and some of us are really passionate about our legitimate businesses."