Controversial plans for 43 new homes in a village on the Shotley peninsula have been deferred to allow councillors to visit the site. 

Babergh District Council's planning committee met on Wednesday to discuss an application for 43 homes to be built in Shotley, south of Ipswich.

Fifteen of the homes would be classed as affordable, according to planning documents submitted alongside the application.

The application would come with landscaping, highway access and open public space.

The plans had been recommended for refusal due to the development failing to demonstrate a need for market housing, according to a Babergh planning report.

Should the application be approved, the Suffolk County Council Developer Contribution Response stated that £181,000 would need to be paid for the primary school expansion, while £176,000 would be needed for the secondary school expansion.

During the committee meeting on Wednesday morning, discussion of the plans was deferred so that councillors can arrange a site visit. 

A date for future discussion has not yet been set.