Mark Murphy and Stephen Foster are returning to the radio in Suffolk next week after signing up for the county's newest station.

They have joined Suffolk Sound which goes live next weekend and will be broadcasting to the whole county from studios near Felixstowe Beach.

Suffolk Sound is the brainchild of former Radio Suffolk broadcaster Rob Dunger and theatre manager Richie Ross - and aims to give a platform for local people and groups.

It is being set up as a commercial organisation with charitable status and will be supported by advertising and also do broadcast training. At first it will be an online station but it will be bidding for a broadcasting licence.

Mark Murphy left BBC Radio Suffolk earlier this year after being with the station since it was set up in 1990. For many years he hosted its highly successful breakfast show.

On Suffolk Sound he will be hosting the Saturday Breakfast show every week.

He said: "I've been behind a broadcasting desk most of my life and I'm very keen to keep on working with and for the people of this county."

He hoped listeners would be familiar with his style - and said he expected there to be much chatter about his beloved Ipswich Town during the show.

Stephen Foster is well-known for championing live music - and he plans to use his Thursday evening programme to showcase Suffolk bands.

He also has a show on Radio Caroline which will be unaffected by his new programme - although Suffolk Sound will be pre-recorded because he has speedway commitments at Foxhall on Thursday evenings.

He said: "I've always tried to show off the great talent we have here in Suffolk and this is a great opportunity to continue to do that."

Rob Dunger said he was delighted to have two well-known Suffolk figures signed up for the new station.

He said: "We're really looking forward to next week's launch. We all feel there's a real need for this kind of broadcasting and it's great to know we'll be playing host to people like Mark and Foz."

The station goes live next Saturday at noon when there will be a big launch party at its studio Felixstowe's Beach Street, part of the Mannings complex.