Bosses behind the celebrated Pink Ladies’ Tractor Road Run have confirmed the group has smashed through its £1m fundraising total. 

The brainchild and organiser of the event, Annie Chapman, said that by raising £104,000 for this year’s event, the grand total is now at a million pounds since the event began 20 years ago.  

Far from the end though, she said: "Thanks to the incredible generosity of those who have supported the run this year, money continues to come in.  

“Although beyond my wildest dreams a few weeks ago, it looks as though we will go well beyond £104,000. 

East Anglian Daily Times: Pink Ladies' Tractor Road Run 2023

"I will not know the final total until the beginning of September but, for now, we all have cause to celebrate. 

This cannot be the end of the journey.  

“It is a big step forward but the road to successfully diagnosing and treating breast cancer is a long one and we must keep the wheels turning.” 

This year’s run took place on Sunday, July 2 and marked the 20th anniversary of the event – one which will become a landmark for the team.  

A record 201 women swathed in pink took to 197 decorated tractors to raise funds.  

East Anglian Daily Times: Pink Ladies' Tractor Road Run 2023

Prior to this year’s event, the team had raised £896,000 for the charity and were fundraising with gusto to bring what was needed to take the total to £1m. 

The full total will be announced on Friday, September 8. 

Mrs Chapman, who was driving a 1950s David Brown Cropmaster – one of the oldest tractors on the run – said: “Organising the Pink Ladies' Tractor Road Run has not been without its challenges, to put it mildly. 

“But any doubts as to whether it was all worthwhile were completely dispelled on what was a perfect day for me.  

East Anglian Daily Times: Pink Ladies' Tractor Road Run 2023

“I cannot describe how special it was to be surrounded by all my Pink Ladies, many of them new, to have the strength of our incredible back-up team behind me, to be uplifted by the many hundreds of well-wishers cheering round the route.  

“Of course, I am extremely proud of the Pink Ladies' Tractor Road Run, but I am also constantly humbled by the kindness and generosity that surrounds us."  

Sophia France, Cancer Research UK’s relationship manager for Norfolk and Suffolk, took part for the first time. 

East Anglian Daily Times: Pink Ladies' Tractor Road Run 2023

She said: “Fundraising for Cancer Research UK is vital to us beating cancer, as one in two of us will receive a cancer diagnosis in our lifetime. 

“Unfortunately, my grandmother recently lost her battle with breast cancer, and as a result of this and the continued Pink Ladies’ support for Breast Cancer research, I felt inspired to finally participate myself. 

“To say that I am so ecstatic to have taken part does not even begin to describe the magnitude of how much I enjoyed the run.” 

East Anglian Daily Times: Pink Ladies' Tractor Road Run 2023

The run has become a key event in south Norfolk and north Suffolk’s social calendar.  

Thousands of people packed the route, cheering on the ladies in towns, villages, laybys and gardens. Houses and businesses were bedecked in pink bunting, banners and flags and many supporters were dressed head-to-toe in pink. 

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A new book, charting the rise of the Pink Ladies’ Tractor Run, the stories behind the ladies who take part, and those who support the event has just been published to raise more funds. 

'The Pink Ladies' reveals the story of the run over its 20-year history and features a compilation of many stories both funny and some emotional.  

East Anglian Daily Times: Pink Ladies' Tractor Road Run 2023

  • It is available for £10 from Robinson’s Traditional Stationers in Harleston, CopyDiss in Diss or online at  
  • To find out more about the run visit 
  • To donate online please visit