A Suffolk councillor has slammed a rail firm's provisions to reimburse residents who had to pay to park in public car parks during a recent track upgrade as "not good enough".

Woodbridge town councillor David Adelson has revealed that none of the residents affected by Network Rail's winter work have yet been paid back, despite calling for the repayment to be made in February.

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Houseboat owners on the river Deben were particularly badly affected as they had to park in car parks on the 'town side' of the Woodbridge level crossings while the work was taking place.

Crossings at Ferry Lane, Haywards, Lime Kiln, Sun Wharf, Jetty Lane and Kingston Fields were all closed to enable the ageing track to be replaced.

The maintenance took place so services could continue operating safely and reliably.

READ MORE: Suffolk: Network Rail 'should repay' residents for closures

Network Rail, which owns the rail infrastructure, replaced the track in the town between December and May 2023, covering an area from Bealings level crossing to Sun Wharf level crossing.

But Cllr Adelson has criticised the provisions put in place to help the residents needing reimbursement, including the lack of a point of contact, other than a national helpline and the decision to pass claims to a project team to 'investigate' whether a payment was possible.

READ MORE: Woodbridge news

He said: "This isn't good enough. The community relations team should have a clear local contact point that is direct to them and a straightforward form to claim back out-of-pocket expenses.

"There should be no need for investigation into whether compensation is possible - it was promised before work started."

Cllr Adelson was also concerned that incorrect signage had been erected indicating that the level crossing at Ferry Lane was going to be closed, when it infact remained open, leading to residents incurring unnecessary extra costs from parking in car parks.

READ MORE: Suffolk news

His concerns are due to be discussed at a town council meeting on Wednesday.

Network Rail has been approached for comment.