The choir of St Mary le Tower in Ipswich have returned to their usual pews  after the trip of a lifetime to lead the music at York Minister over the Bank Holiday weekend.

The were invited to sing for the services at the Minster to mark the Thomas Wolsey 550 celebrations - and Tower vicar Rev Tom Mumford preached to mark the event.

East Anglian Daily Times: Rev Tom Mumford preached at York Minister.Rev Tom Mumford preached at York Minister. (Image: St Mary le Tower)

Ipswich's most famous son was Archbishop of York as well as being Henry VIII's most important minister - and was returning from the city to London when he died at Leicester.

The choir was invited to take over from the normal York Minster choristers who were away on a half-term tour of Holland.

It sang at Matins, Evensong and Eucharist services at the Minster over the weekend - and Mr Mumford said it was a great honour for everyone connected to the church to be invited to take part in services at one of Britain's greatest cathedrals.

The choir had a busy time at its own church with a confirmation service led by the Bishop of Dunwich at the Tower in addition to their normal services.