A Suffolk town council is set to consider whether to continue allowing dogs on a children's playground after 80% of respondents to a survey opposed the presence of pooches.

Framlingham town clerk James Overbury confirmed that the town council had heard from three residents asking if it will reconsider the issue of dogs in the play area at the Pageant Field and that the matter will be considered at the next meeting of the lands committee or full council.

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Resident Lily Fox started the online survey after hearing concerns that some children, who were scared of dogs, were afraid of entering the fenced-off play area.

Of the 65 people who responded to the online questionnaire, more than 50 did not want dogs in the play area and were much more likely to use the facility if dogs were not allowed in.

However, the majority were happy for dogs to be allowed on the rest of the pageant field.

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She said the situation was complicated by the fact that the main entrance to the field was through the play area.

She added: "I want what is best for the town. It would be nice if there was another area of the Pageant Field where dogs were allowed to go and children would not be allowed to play. It would be nice to keep them separate."

The dog groomer said dogs running around and striking fear among children could become 'normalised' to that behaviour.

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Mr Overbury said: "I can confirm that the town council has heard via email from three residents who have asked if it will reconsider the issue of dogs on the play area at the Pageant Field.

"The town council always listens to requests from residents received through the proper channels and this issue will be considered at the next lands committee or full council, whichever is soonest.

"I can confirm that I have conducted research into the issue and will present this to councillors to aid their decision."