A Suffolk schoolboy turned Good Samaritan by helping to move tree branches to clear a path for a disabled child in a wheelchair.

Now Peyton Ward, 12, has received an extra birthday present - a letter from Woodbridge Town Council praising his 'quick thinking and helpfulness' after the fallen vegetation blocked the child's mother from pushing the wheelchair along Peterhouse Crescent in Woodbridge.

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The Farlingaye High School pupil was walking home from school on Tuesday when he saw the wheelchair coming towards him.

He said: "The reason I helped him was because my uncle Philip is in a wheelchair so I knew how hard it was."

He moved the branches to the side of the path by the road so there was sufficient space for the wheelchair to get through and said he had seen the child before when he had been walking to school, although he did not know him to speak to.

READ MORE: Woodbridge news

His actions came to the attention of Woodbridge town councillor Ruth Leach, who arranged the letter of appreciation, which was presented to Peyton on his birthday by the town's mayor Eamonn O'Nolan.

The letter read: "On behalf of Woodbridge Town Council, we would like to recognise your quick thinking and helpfulness yesterday in clearing the branches off the footpath for a member of the public to be able to pass safely.

"Thoughtful acts of kindness like this are part of the essence of a caring community and your action strongly upholds those values.

READ MORE: Suffolk news

"You have done your family and neighbourhood proud - keep up the good work and have a lovely birthday."

Cllr Leach, who was also present for the letter presentation, heard about the actions of an 'anonymous schoolboy' on social media and did some detective work within the community to find Peyton.

Mr O'Nolan said: “When Cllr Ruth Leach heard about Peyton’s act of kindness, she quickly arranged for a commendation letter from Woodbridge Town Council.

"I was delighted to present it to Peyton - all the more because today happens to be his birthday."

Peyton's mother Lauren said: "He is such a kind-hearted little boy. I think this shows how doing the right thing feels nice".