The owner of a new Italian bar which will open its doors for the first time today has said there is "nothing like this in Suffolk". 

Beviamo, co-owned by restaurateur, food writer and former hotelier Ruth Watson, will open in Framlingham today. 

The business, which is also owned by Mrs Watson's business partner Rob Walpole, was given the go ahead to expand in March last year.

However, Mrs Watson said the opening date had to keep getting pushed back due to difficulties with utility companies. 

Ahead of the opening, Mrs Watson said her and the team were incredibly excited to finally be opening the new bar. 

"We have been doing a lot of training over the past week or so," Mrs Watson said. 

"The main thing to stress is that it is Italian and there is nothing like it in Suffolk."

Suffolk's latest bar will be selling a variety of drinks and cocktails including Negroni and Aperol spritz, as well as the classic such as dry martinis. 

Mrs Watson said that the bar will be selling a lot of Italian beers but also supporting local brewers, including Adnams and Bruha. 

A number of non-alcoholic cocktails and drinks will also be available in the bar. 

"The idea is that hopefully people will try different cocktails," Mrs Watson added. 

Some snacks wil also be on offer at the bar with the menu being "developed" Mrs Watson said. 

Spanish ham, crisps and white truffle crisps and "the best pork scratchings" will also be available.

Pizzas by the slice will also be available from the woodfire oven in Beviamo.