A hearing for a man who was involved in the supply of drugs in Stowmarket has been adjourned after he refused to get out of bed to come to court.

Adem Dibra was due to be brought from prison to Ipswich Crown Court on Thursday (March 30) but Judge Martyn Levett said he’d received a message saying the defendant had told prison staff he didn’t want to get out of bed to come to court.

Dibra had also said he was concerned that his English wasn’t very good.

Judge Levett adjourned the hearing until a date to be fixed in April and commented that an interpreter had attended Thursday’s hearing to assist Dibra and would be present at the next hearing.

Dibra, 31, of Brendon Avenue, London, pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to possessing cocaine with intent to supply on February 24 this year and being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

He was sitting in a parked vehicle in Victory Court, Stowmarket, when he was detained for a drug search.

At the earlier hearing Steven Dyble, for Dibra, said his client had been brought to Suffolk from London to deliver drugs.