Hundreds of Suffolk farmers gathered at Trinity Park in Ipswich at the weekend to celebrate one of the oldest clubs of its kind.

Deben Farm Club - which was set up after the war by a group of forward-thinking east Suffolk farmers - marked its 70th anniversary with a celebration meal on Friday, March 24.

Nearly 300 guests were entertained with a speech by Welsh farmer and former International Rugby Union referee Nigel Owens MBE and enjoyed an evening of catching up with fellow farmers.

East Anglian Daily Times:

Among those attending were past presidents Sir Edward Greenwell and Eddie Baker, current president Tim Darby and chairman Tim Thorogood.

The club began in Woodbridge in 1952 when a group of farmers got together after the war.

As well as holding regular meetings where members can discuss farm topics and learn about new technologies and agricultural advances, members also travel to local and overseas destinations to find out more about farms and farm processes.

Photographs of club members' travels to Latvia, Ukraine, Brazil, Chile, Australia and parts of Europe were displayed on screens during the evening.

There was a "positive reaction" to the evening and a number wanting it to become a more regular event. "We were very pleased," said club secretary Alan Gray.

"There was a smile on their faces and they all enjoyed themselves."

He added: "It was a great success. The club has quite a bit of respect. It is longstanding and it has been a fairly thriving club in East Suffolk for a long time.

"Success breeds success. People like to be associated with good things."

The club had retained its popularity due to a good mix of social and informative activities, he said.

A prize draw held on the night raised £2,999 towards Ex-Scotland rugby player Doddie Weir's MyName'5 Doddie foundation, a motor neurone disease charity.

Supporters of the evening included Sentry Farming, Birketts, Origin Fertilisers, Clarke and Simpson, British Sugar, Corteva, BASF, Savills, Brooks Leney and Landbridge.