Ten years ago a desperate Jayne Biggs had to perform life-saving CPR on her seven-year-old daughter after she went into cardiac arrest.

After saving Violet's life Mrs Biggs embarked on a charity crusade to help make sure people will be prepared for a similar situation.

After launching Heart 2 Heart, Mrs Biggs, from Bradwell, near Great Yarmouth, is proud to have installed more than 260 defibrillators across the region.

Recalling the drama from 10 years Mrs Biggs said: "My daughter, then seven, had never been poorly and was in good health.

"Then one evening we heard coughing upstairs and my husband and I had to perform CPR to save Violet's life.

"She then turned out to be diagnosed with a heart condition, it just goes to show the importance of CPR training and how a life can change in a split moment.

East Anglian Daily Times: Jayne Biggs from Heart 2 Heart has helped install more than 260 defibrillators across the county Picture Ian BurtJayne Biggs from Heart 2 Heart has helped install more than 260 defibrillators across the county Picture Ian Burt (Image: Ian Burt)

The seismic incident inspired Mrs Biggs to raise awareness about the importance of people being trained to perform CPR and the need to address Norfolk and Suffolk's defibrillator shortage.

East Anglian Daily Times: Jayne Biggs was touched to have received text messages from the paramedics who treated her daughter ten years agoJayne Biggs was touched to have received text messages from the paramedics who treated her daughter ten years ago (Image: Copyright: Archant 2018)

Mrs Biggs said: "Everyone should know how to use a defibrillator, they are so important, it is literally a matter of life or death.

"I have been doing this for about five years now, it all started off as just a campaign to raise money as Norfolk and Suffolk had the least defibrillators in the country.

"And from then it just went crazy really, with unbelievable support from the public."

Mrs Biggs said she knows of three situations where her defibrillators have saved somebody's life.

She added: "I am really proud to have placed over 260 defibrillators across Norfolk and Suffolk as well as training at schools and to various people across the region. 

"I don't want it to stop here either."

To find out more about Heart 2 Heart Norfolk visit their Facebook page.

East Anglian Daily Times: Jayne Biggs has said she knows of three people who have had their life saved by defibrillators she has had installed Jayne Biggs has said she knows of three people who have had their life saved by defibrillators she has had installed (Image: Archant)