Concerns have been raised about late night disturbance in a Suffolk town centre after a retailer applied to extend its hours for selling alcohol.

Algorial Retail Ltd has applied to East Suffolk Council for licensing permission to sell alcohol at the Nisa Local in Thoroughfare, Woodbridge between the hours of 6am and midnight from Monday to Sunday.

Furthermore, late night refreshment will be served between 11pm and midnight, Monday to Sunday, while the proposed opening hours over the same period would be 6am to midnight.

However, the council's environmental protection team has raised concerns about potential anti-social behaviour connected to the extended opening hours, which are due to be considered at a licensing committee meeting on Thursday.

Commenting on the application, the objectors said the store was on the ground floor of an apartment building and therefore there was a risk that noise could disturb residents of the properties above the shop.

A previous shop that occupied the premises was open from 8am until 11pm, but the hours would be extended into the 'sensitive' night time period from 11pm until 7am.

The council's environmental health officer said: "In my opinion the activities 
associated with these proposed hours could lead to noise disturbance and likely complaints from the occupiers of the apartments within the same building.

"At this time I therefore object to this application based upon the opening hours, supply of alcohol hours and provision of late night refreshment hours applied for.

"I do accept these premises are in Woodbridge town centre, however I consider the hours of 6am until midnight seven days a week (including Sundays and Bank Holidays) to be excessive and could lead to noise disturbance and complaints from local residents."

Instead, alternative hours of 7.30am to 10pm, Monday to Saturday, were proposed for selling alcohol and 9am to 8pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.