A Suffolk dog has helped save the life of another pet after donating blood in a life-saving operation. 

Mia, a three-year-old cockapoo, was taken to Dick White Referrals (DWR) in June last year with a massive blood loss from from a gastrointestinal haemorrhage. 

The search then began for a blood donor to help save Mia. 

Joy, a six-year-old Australian shepherd, was ready at short notice to donate blood to Mia. 

Although Mia has now made an excellent recovery, it was touch and go at the time of the medical emergency. She was unconscious and barely breathing when admitted to DWR and was rushed to the intensive care unit.

Her haemorrhaging had been caused by immune mediated thrombocytopenia, a condition which can cause spontaneous bleeding.

East Anglian Daily Times: Joy the Australian shepherd. Picture: Dick White Referrals Joy the Australian shepherd. Picture: Dick White Referrals (Image: Dick White Referrals)

Mia needed a massive transfusion, which meant using blood in storage as well as calling in Joy for further blood supplies.

After the transfusion, she stayed at DWR for care from its team of nurses for a week.

Joy’s owner, Louise Fuller, from Clare in Suffolk, said: “It’s a lovely outcome and I would definitely recommend that if owners are able to offer their dog’s help with a blood donation, they get involved by becoming a donor.


“It is fantastic news that my lovely Joy helped to save a young dog’s life and that they were able to meet. I used to work at Dick White Referrals, so I knew of the demand for dog blood donors and how important they are."

Mia’s owner, East Anglian Daily Times: Mia and her owner Marie-Claude Crossley. Picture: Dick White ReferralsMia and her owner Marie-Claude Crossley. Picture: Dick White Referrals (Image: Dick White Referrals), from Tugby in Leicestershire, said: Myself and my husband Nick couldn’t have been happier with how the team saved Mia’s life, as it was such a scary time and happened so quickly. We can’t thank them enough.”

To be eligible to be a canine blood donor, dogs must weigh more than 18kg, be aged between one and eight-years-old, and must not have travelled outside the UK or Ireland.