A Suffolk man raped a woman and took naked photos of her after she returned from an evening with friends, it has been alleged. 

James Mackenzie, of Kelsale, has denied orally raping the woman in December 2018.

At the start of the trial on Monday, the prosecution said the woman had got into bed in a house in Ipswich following a night with friends in the town and was still wearing her jumpsuit.

The court then heard she became aware that James Mackenzie had come into the room and was removing her clothing. 

Mackenzie had stripped off and then raped the woman, said Katherine Davey, prosecuting.

“She was tired and wanted nothing but to go to sleep. She certainly didn’t want sexual relations with him and told him to stop and to get off her,” said Miss Davey.

She said Mackenzie had also taken naked photographs of the woman on his phone without her consent.

The photographs were later found on his phone and he claimed she had smiled and been happy for him to take them.

“He said she was a willing participant and was involved 50/50 in everything that happened,” said Miss Davey.

The court heard that following the alleged rape, Mackenzie had become aggressive and called her names.

“He was full of rage and she was terrified and started to scream,” said Miss Davey.

She claimed that Mackenzie had punched the woman in the face and had threatened to kill her.

He had also allegedly thrown the duvet and the mattress onto the floor during the incident. 

The court heard that Mackenzie told police the woman had consented to sex and that he hadn’t been serious when he threatened to kill her.

The trial, which is expected to last the rest of this week, continues.