More than 2,000 jobs have been created at the Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft Enterprise Zone during the past decade. 

Part of a government initiative to encourage growth, the zone was created in 2012 to create jobs, attract business, develop land and improve infrastructure in the region. 

It is made up of six sites - two in Great Yarmouth, three in Lowestoft, and one in Beccles. 

They benefit from business rate discounts, simplified planning procedures, and greater government support for high-speed broadband. 

Spearheaded by the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and supported by local authorities, the zone is in a key position to make the most of the opportunities presented by the growing offshore wind industry. 

Figures released by the LEP show that the sites have supported the delivery of 2,031 jobs and an additional 824 construction jobs, 83 businesses, 43.5 hectares of land ready for development, and 56,397m2 floor space.

The LEP and partners have also attracted £180m public and £66m private capital investment for the zone. 

C-J Green, chair at the LEP, said: “This is a milestone for Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, and surrounding areas.

East Anglian Daily Times: C-J Green from the New Anglia LEPC-J Green from the New Anglia LEP (Image: New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership)

"We will continue to maximise job growth, economic development, energy sector innovation and skills training.

"There are excellent opportunities in this area, and we want the clean energy sector to flourish in Norfolk and Suffolk.

“Enterprise Zones are dedicated areas where businesses can focus on expanding with the best possible support.

"Also, generated business rates are reinvested in the area which contrasts with normal arrangements where half is paid to central government.”

Office furniture supplier, Tick Solutions, is based at one of the sites on Mobbs Way, Lowestoft. 

Martin Murkett, owner of the business, said: “We moved into the Enterprise Zone in September 2014 and for the first five years, we had zero business rates.

"Other benefits are access to grant funding, business advice, and network opportunities through the LEP.

“We’ve just recruited an additional team member, and this role is to compound and support the growth to date and consolidate a platform for further development.”

Key sectors identified for Norfolk and Suffolk Enterprise Zones include agri-tech, food and health, offshore energy, the green economy, ICT and digital creative sectors, professional services and advanced engineering.