A 41-year-old man who “cruelly” kicked his former partner during a row in a hotel room just hours after she had suffered a miscarriage has been jailed for 26 months

Sentencing Andrew Quilliam, Judge Emma Peters said the victim had been in a vulnerable state after suffering a miscarriage.

“Instead of giving her tender, loving care you abused her,” said the judge.

Quilliam and the woman had been due to go to Addenbrooke’s Hospital at Cambridge for a scan on their unborn baby but she had lost the baby on the way to the hospital, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

The couple decided to spend the night in a hotel and while they were there Quilliam had gone out to get drugs.

During an argument he had pushed her off the bed in the hotel room causing her to hit her head on the wall.

While she was on the floor he had kicked her on the leg and then kicked her between the legs.

Quilliam, of Hamlet Road, Haverhill, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm 

In addition to being jailed, Quilliam was banned from contacting the woman for five years.

Matthew Edwards, for Quilliam, said his client was remorseful for what he’d done and his mental health had suffered while he’d been in custody for the last two months.