Concerns have been raised around parking and the dropping-off of pupils at a busy primary school in Suffolk, with a call for designated areas to be set up to "avoid chaos".

A resident raised concerns surrounding parking at Thurston Primary Academy on Norton Road.

They said it is "causing carnage" as "parents dropping off and picking up are parking in dangerous places".

The resident said: "The antisocial parking includes bumping on pavements and blocking residents driveways preventing access and exit."

East Anglian Daily Times: Thurston Primary Academy and parkingThurston Primary Academy and parking (Image: Google Maps)

They also said that the noise and behaviour of children and parents are becoming "unbearable to live around".

"Cars are being abandoned for 20 to 30 minutes, with some blocking pavements, meaning pedestrians are forced to get off the pavement and walk on the road.

"A school drop-off zone and pick-up point needs to be set up on school grounds to avoid chaos and disruption to the local community."

John Bayes, headteacher at Thurston Primary Academy, said: "As a school, we feel very sympathetic to the local residents in Thurston since the opening of the new school site.

"Due to the positioning of the school, at the edge of the ever-growing village, parents have very few places to park their vehicles during drop-off and collection times.

"As is common with primary schools, the car park is not large enough to allow parents to park during drop-off and collection times.

East Anglian Daily Times: The headteacher at the school has said they sympathise with residents regarding the parkingThe headteacher at the school has said they sympathise with residents regarding the parking (Image: Contributed)

"With 51 members of staff, 304 pupils, and only 35 school parking spaces, this is only going to become more challenging as the school grows.

"We will continue to work with the PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) and local representatives as well as sending regular reminders to parents/carers to park safely and legally."

Thurston Primary Academy moved onto its current site in September 2021 to accommodate the growing population in the village.