A historic Suffolk village has been named among the most picturesque in the UK by a luxury travel magazine. 

Lavenham was named the fourth most picturesque in the UK by Travel and Leisure magazine.

Home to the Harry Potter house, Lavenham, which is arguably one of the country's most well-preserved villages, gives those visiting a chance to take a step back in time.

Describing Lavenham, award-winning travel journalist and writer at the Travel and Leisure magazine, Jonathan Thompson said: "During the 15th century, Lavenham was one of the wealthiest towns in England, thanks to a roaring wool trade.

"But cheaper imports from Europe saw workers leave in droves, and the town lay frozen in time.

"Today, it looks very much as it did then: quaint medieval buildings leaning haphazardly into one another in a riot of drunken pastels and timbers.

"As a result, strolling down the high street feels like walking through a fairy tale — or a Hollywood movie, as Lavenham has appeared in plenty of the latter, most famously doubling as Harry Potter's birthplace in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One."