The creator of a special Remembrance Day post-box topper has helped local school children learn the importance of honouring our fallen soldiers.

Lisa Wylie, 41, has crocheted a Remembrance Day post-box topper complete with poppies, saluting military personnel and the words 'Lest we forget'.

East Anglian Daily Times: Lisa Wylie's post-box topper has helped local school children learn the importance of Remembrance Day.Lisa Wylie's post-box topper has helped local school children learn the importance of Remembrance Day. (Image: Lisa Wylie)

The artwork is located outside the One Stop on Norwich Road in Claydon - just a few steps away from the village's memorial.

Ms Wylie said the topper has taken on an educational aspect, acting as a visual talking point for school children to learn about the past.

East Anglian Daily Times: Ms Wylie had plenty of unstinting to do before she could present the finished product.Ms Wylie had plenty of unstinting to do before she could present the finished product. (Image: Lisa Wylie)

In her first foray into creating realistic people in free-hand crochet, Ms Wylie had plenty of unstinting to do before she could present the finished product.

"It took many hours of work, too many to count - especially having to redo my soldier's salute when I stitched it on the wrong side," she said.

East Anglian Daily Times: Ms Wylie is in full Christmas mode for her next design, but is keeping her plans to yarn bomb Claydon top secret for now.Ms Wylie is in full Christmas mode for her next design, but is keeping her plans to yarn bomb Claydon top secret for now. (Image: Lisa Wylie)

Now, Mrs Wylie is in "full Christmas mode" for her next design, but is keeping her plans to yarn bomb Claydon top secret for now.

She previously created toppers to mark the Queen's passing and for Halloween.