Well, that was not in the script was it? Defeats will inevitably appear from time to time, but who saw one at home to Lincoln City coming?

Let us be honest. As much as it was frustrating to see and was hard to take, it should not be one to dwell on for long. It will not define our season.

It was simply just one of those days. We were not well beaten. We were not outplayed. We were not battered. Statistics do not win matches, but they do tell a story of how much went wrong and in our case, not a lot.

It was the all-important stat of not scoring that of course mattered. Our possession, shots, corners and whatever else you would like to view as positives were once again through the roof.

But as try as we might, we just could not score. Credit should go to Lincoln. They came with a plan to no doubt stop us and anything else was a bonus.

They were gifted a goal. Ben House was given too much freedom at the back post and when a high ball was coming back down into our area, you could sense what was about to happen.

How we did not score in the second half, is anyone’s guess. Lincoln players threw themselves at everything and at times, knew nothing about their blocks.

The best example of this was when a player who I did not identify at the time, turned his body as he crouched to block one effort and controlled the ball dead in between his legs.

The second balls would frustratingly not fall for us. But we were also off the boil on the day too. So many simple passes went astray, out of play, and were just sloppy on a day when collectively, too many players were not at their best.

Damage was minimal though. We are still second, and we have bounced back well after defeats so far this season. After the defeat to Colchester, we won our next three league games, as we did after defeat at Plymouth.

If we can do that again, then we will be on track. However, the fact that the next league game is live on TV is not doubt playing on the minds of many fans given our recent record on such occasions.

That brings me nicely to the latest updates on my ‘Town on the Telly’ book. Sales have been immense since it was released. And I cannot tell you how proud I was on Saturday to see it now on sale in the club shop.

I will soon be able to reveal a book signing event too at Ipswich’s Waterstones store. Of the books I have sold myself, many have been signed at the request of the purchasers.

One delightful story was a recent purchase made by a lady who was buying the book for her uncle. The recipient was a gentleman named Maurice Quantrill and the request was to sign to him on his 99th birthday. What a privilege that was!

Back to Friday night’s game against Derby and the announcement that we are to wear our new third kit has stirred opinions. Firstly, it is a fantastic shirt. I have it, I love wearing it as a casual looking shirt more than a football shirt.

Should we be wearing it in a home game though? I see both sides of the decision. A couple of seasons ago, I did not like the fact that we wore blue shorts.

I am a traditionalist. I like to see blue shirts, white shorts, and blue socks for every home game. But if Friday night is a one-off, then I do not mind. And so long as we win, does it really matter?

Congratulations to Conor Chaplin who has won the PFA Vertu Motors Fans’ Player of the Month award for a second successive month.

It is much deserved, and he has been fantastic for us so far this season. If we were thinking about our player of the season already at this stage, Chaplin would be in my thoughts as well as Leif Davis and Lee Evans.