COLCHESTER zoo has today announced that it’s Pygmy Hippo, Ayo, has died after suffering from a blocked colon.

On November 20, keepers had found Ayo, the first Pygmy Hippo to be born at the Essex zoo, flat out in her enclosure in a lethargic and unresponsive state.

She was transferred to the zoos animal hospice for treatment and was in obvious discomfort.

Over the next two days she was treated for colic like symptoms after she was not eating.

On Monday morning keepers were encouraged by her general behaviour. Ayo was then returned to her enclosure but after she was found to be showing symptoms of abdominal discomfort, vets decided to proceed with surgery.

After failing to improve, Ayo, who was about to turn one years old, died last night.

Curator, Sarah Forsyth, said: “A blocked colon is not uncommon in hippos but it is unknown as to why it happens.

“Surgery in large herbivores is always risky but at that stage there were no other options and it appears that she was just too unwell to be able to recover.

“We are all devastated by her loss. Her parents Venus and Freddy have been calling and searching for her over the last few days but do appear a bit more settled today.”