ipswich: A search is under way for new talent to grace the turf at Portman Road.

While the transfer market is hotting up, with rumours over new signings for next season, the club is looking to add a little glamour to matchdays with the return of a cheerleading troupe.

Town are planning a number of changes to entertainment for next season, with cheerleaders set to play an active role with routines on the pitch during half-time.

Club secretary Sally Webb said: “Obviously our priority is to find a winning formula on the pitch that will provide entertainment for the fans.

“But as a club, we are looking at various ways of adding to the matchday experience for supporters coming to Portman Road.

“We are talking to the fans and will be doing so more over the next few weeks to gauge opinions as we look to change things around for next season.

“We’ve had cheerleaders before and they were very popular so we’re now on the lookout for a new group to become part of our matchday team.”

Dance groups keen to become the club’s cheerleaders, or individuals wanting to put a group together, should contact Jade Cole or Julie Bryant at pressoffice@itfc.co.uk.

A link to footage would be beneficial, or you can post a DVD of your group to Jade or Julie at Press Office, Ipswich Town Football Club, Portman Road, Ipswich, IP1 2DA.

n What do you think of the plans? Write to Your Letters, Ipswich Star, 30 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, IP4 1AN or e-mail starletters@archant.co.uk