A VILLAGE primary school is celebrating after receiving a “good” Ofsted inspection report.

Stratford St Mary Primary School, near the Suffolk/Essex border, had been rated “satisfactory” at its last inspection visit in October 2009 but has moved up to the next level of “good” while its pupil behaviour is considered “outstanding”.

In her report lead inspector Kath Beck, who was backed by two colleagues during the visit last month, said: “Pupils achieve well and make good progress. Standards at the end of the reception year exceed the expected levels.

“Pupils’ attainment at the end of year two and when they leave at the end of year six is well above average.

“Teaching is good. Teachers plan work that is matched closely to pupils’ needs. Lessons are enjoyable and interesting. Pupils’ behaviour is outstanding. They are eager to learn and talk with great enthusiasm about their experiences at school. The school promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development exceptionally well.

“Leadership and management are good. The headteacher and governing body have succeeded in raising standards and improving pupils’ progress. They have also maintained the quality of teaching at a time when staffing has been unfortunately disrupted by illness.”

The school currently has 59 pupils and is led by headteacher Jenny Cockett.

Norman Woodard, the chairman of governors, said: “The overall effectiveness – to use Ofsted speak – of the school is good, with every chance of becoming outstanding at the next inspection.

“As chair of governors I know the school is good and against a background of significant disruption to teaching and subject leadership, resulting from the unfortunate illness of key staff, the headteacher and governing body have shown tenacity in raising standards and maintaining the quality of teaching.

“This is a good school, meaning it is effective in delivering outcomes that provide well for all its pupils’ needs. Pupils are well-prepared for the next stage of their education.”