Husky dog racing is not a sport confined to Siberia.

At the weekend husky dog owners were taking part in a British Champion race, hosted by the British Siberian Husky Racing Association (BSHRA), at Thetford Forest.

Race organiser Brian Collins, whose family owns 14 husky dogs, said there were more than 130 entries, with about 600 dogs racing at two-minute intervals.

Mr Collins, from Bury St Edmunds, said teams came from all over the UK.

Speaking after the first day, he said: “It’s gone superbly. We had some really close races.”

He added: “This is where people come to compete against the best in the country.”

Mr Collins, his wife Julie and daughter Tyler were all competing at the weekend.

He said: “We have had huskies for about 20 years. We just got one as a pet and we just sort of moved on.”

He said it was a “big step” from having a pet dog to training and racing one.